The Andy Griffith Show: The Guitar Player 


Originally aired on September 15, 1966


A confused and semi-amnesiac Brian Epstein arrives in Mayberry after being shot down in his plane by the KKK.  The whole town, especially Andy, agree to accept Brian as Barney since Barney went on a MI9/CIA mission to London to impersonate Brian for a while. Bobby Fleet and His Band with a Beat arrive for lunch, which stirs many memories for Brian and causes him to have a psychotic episode and relive Paul’s torture on a hill in France. When the local guitar player Jim Lindsey is allowed to join the band, Brian remembers Paul’s murder by the KKK and tries to kill Jim so he won’t undergo mind control in the music industry.  Aunt Bea is able to subdue Brian with a shepherd’s pie full of Nembutal. Andy then becomes Brian’s full time handler who makes him undergo daily mind control until he completely forgets his former life in England.


comment about 'The Guitar Player' posted 12/21/2006 7:51:34 PM PST:



“Can anyone tell me what idol the men in Mayberry were making a sacrifice to? It was an owl, which I know is something, but I’ve heard it called Moloch, which I’m not sure is right.  Also, how does a sacrifice like this cause people not to notice that their favorite celebrities have been replaced? Is some kind of holographic shield placed over the imposter to mask the differences or is it purely a mental deception?” – Tommy from Indiana


comment about 'The Guitar Player' posted 7/16/2005 7:16:22 PM PST:


“This is a great episode, but I wish the songs that Jim Lindsey and Bobby Fleet and His Band with a Beat played were more demonic when played in reverse. I swear I’ve heard completely new phrases when I play my albums in reverse at different times, and this just shows the ingenuity and talent of demons.”  -sandymertz1 from washington state